Decazeville. Public consultation around health

Home Decazeville. Public consultation around health
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
Decazeville community draws up a local health contract. It is important that the population participates in the survey in order to best meet the health needs of the territory.

“Decazeville community is committed to the 12 municipalities of the territory in the development of a Local Health Contract (CLS). For this, we need to know the needs and practices of the inhabitants of the territory through the realization of a survey by questionnaire complete until July 14, 2023”, insist Michèle Couderc, vice-president of the Intercom in charge of social, and Hélène Cette, local health coordinator.

But what is a CLS?

The CLS is a tool aimed at reducing territorial and social inequalities in health by setting up an action program with all health, social and medico-social actors to best meet the needs of inhabitants. The CLS therefore concerns the field of health in the broad sense (WHO definition: “complete state of physical, mental and social well-being”) and includes both global prevention objectives (health promotion) and more specific objectives (offer of care, vulnerable groups, etc.).

The importance of participating

The goal is to define a strategy aimed at implementing actions and services to better meet the health needs of the population. Hence the importance of taking part in the survey.

This survey will feed the health diagnosis, an essential step in setting up a CLS. Working groups will then be set up with the partners and the actors of the territory to share the conclusions of the diagnosis, to determine the axes of the CLS and the actions which will result from it.

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