Handicap: a day around the theme of guilt in Pavia

Home Handicap: a day around the theme of guilt in Pavia
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The Association des paralysés de France-France Handicap du Gers delegation regularly organizes themed days. The last, on guilt, took place in Pavia.

The Association des paralysés de France (APF)-France Handicap delegation from Gers has just organized a day in Pavia entitled “Guilt when you hold us”. A conference was, in this context, led by Jean-Claude Quentel, clinical psychologist and professor emeritus of the University of Renne 2. He allowed the public and especially the parents, very numerous for this occasion, to take distance, even height in relation to the subject, as it is true that this feeling spares no parent of a child with a disability. Jean-Claude Quentel explained the mechanisms and showed why “guilt was a sign of good ethical health”.

The parents were able to testify to this feeling of guilt for bringing a disabled child into the world and sometimes for “taking care more” of the latter to the detriment of the other members of the siblings. It was a strong and very participative moment.

An inclusive society

Also participating in the day was autistic artist Audrée Doreau. She exhibited her works at the house of the region until June 2. His work, simple and deep at the same time, comes in paintings in the form of drawings. A book about his life and his drawings has also been published.

The APF du Gers association offers spaces for meetings and exchanges and organizes thematic days. She is also a source of support, information and advice. She campaigns for an inclusive society and defends the principle of living with more autonomy and freedom without losing the security of support. It sets up measures to support carers.

Parents Children Handis 32 is open to all parents of children with disabilities, regardless of their origin and age. Information on [email protected].

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