Unesco Solidarity collects more than a ton of food

Home Unesco Solidarity collects more than a ton of food
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
The Unesco Solidarity Club of the Taillefer College has been carrying out actions to support mutual aid associations for more than ten years. Here and far away.

It’s a great performance – one more – that the Unesco Solidarity club of the Renée Taillefer college has achieved for the benefit of the Gaillac Committee of the Secours Populaire. In just four days, the students involved in the club collected 1043.5 kg of food within the college. “Students brought food from home, collected money, then went shopping at the E. Leclerc hypermarket, sometimes bringing food back in shopping carts they had borrowed, leaving in pledge to the store their liaison book “explains Magali Amiel, their teacher. In this interclass challenge where there is no loser, the 3rd D class was elected “solidarity class” with 202.6kg collected, followed by near by the 5th B with 196 kg. The 5th grade class collected 125 kg. A team from the Secours Populaire came to collect the results of this food collection. Marc Longeois, from the Gaillac Committee, is delighted with this support. “They have brought much-needed reinforcement with the increase in demand, which is getting stronger and stronger. He also encourages us. The commitment of these young people is magnificent and, for us, it is even moving. It proves their generosity but also their sense of organization, because they were autonomous in the implementation”.

In Africa and Asia too

The Unesco Solidarity Club of the Taillefer college works hard for good causes. In 2011, he had already helped in its constructions the Casamance village of Diagon, and in 2012, a raffle, by collecting more than 2000 euros, had allowed a Central African orphanage to educate two young children without families. In 2017, a village well in Khombolé, Senegal, was inaugurated. In 2022, the UNESCO Solidarity Club also donated school supplies to the Asian Lights association and the Telethon benefited from the initiatives of young people from the college (€815). Two other collections had been organized, one for the Water and Life Association, intended to supply drinking water to the slums of the Philippines and another for Ukraine. Without forgetting Mourilatou, a young Burkinabe who has benefited from his support since 2013 and who is in a way the “goddaughter” of Club Solidarité. The years pass, the students leave the college, but the fiber of Solidarity does not stretch.

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