Study by Didier Raoult on hydroxychloroquine: the Medicines Agency will take legal action

Home Study by Didier Raoult on hydroxychloroquine: the Medicines Agency will take legal action
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
According to the ANSM, Didier Raoult’s work on treatment with hydroxychloroquine “should have received a favorable opinion from a committee for the protection of persons and authorization” from him to be implemented.

The National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) announced to the Parisian that she was preparing “to take legal action” concerning the last publication co-signed by the former director of the Marseille IHU, posted on the pre-publication platform MedRxiv on April 4. A study, published in March, on the supposed effectiveness of treatments like hydroxychloroquine.

Sixteen learned medical societies had challenged the authorities last week on a lack of sanctions against the “largest known ‘wild’ therapeutic trial”, denouncing the study by Didier Raoult.

According to the ANSM, the regulations would not have been respected. “After analysis, we confirm that this study can be qualified as category 1 RIPH (research involving the human person). authorization (from him) to be implemented”.

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