110 beds already closed at Montauban hospital according to the CGT which reopens its “hiring office” on June 13

Home 110 beds already closed at Montauban hospital according to the CGT which reopens its “hiring office” on June 13
Written by Doug Hampton

the essential
“There is a lack of personnel in all sectors”, alarms the CGT of the Montauban hospital. With the committee of deprived of employment and precarious, the union will organize a hiring office Tuesday, June 13, in front of the entrance of the establishment.

The Montauban hospital center is looking for staff. This is not new, but according to the CGT, the situation has never been so tense, with practical consequences in the organization of services. “Since Friday, cardiology has been closed. This service was operating with 12 beds for a potential of 16 but there are no longer enough doctors to run it: two cardiologists are on sick leave, one soon in maternity, plus a resignation and another who will be poached by the private sector”, explains Manuelita Vintar.

The secretary of the CGT Health and Social Action of the hospital points to the RIST law, which came into force on April 3, which caps the 24-hour care of an interim doctor at 1400 hours. “It was really not the time to put in place a law like that. It has no logic apart from technocracy”, considers his colleague Christel Kuris.

What is happening in cardiology is far from being an isolated case. On March 30, 30 beds closed in psychiatry for lack of nursing staff. “The latest capacity statement dated June 1 shows 110 beds closed for all services combined, not counting the summer closures which will be added”, indicates Christel Kuris. “At the same time, agents are returning to rest overtime in different sectors to allow the hospital to operate, which is not without consequences for their health”, worries the CGT.

There are more than 200 different professions in a hospital but in Montauban, “none is spared by the staff shortage”, indicates the CGT.

In this context, the union therefore found it particularly appropriate to reopen a “hiring office”. Appointment is set for job seekers on Tuesday, June 13, where a barnum will be installed from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., in front of the entrance to the Montauban hospital center. “This will be the 3rd edition of the recruitment office. We launched it in May 2019, successfully since we had collected 150 CVs. The second edition, in a post-Covid context, had nevertheless allowed us to collect about fifty CVs”, recalls Alexis Bordes, departmental referent of the Committee of deprived of employment and precarious. The young man notes, sorry, that “the pressure is increasingly strong on job seekers” following the two reforms of Unemployment Insurance.

“With this initiative of the hiring office, we are targeting the most precarious workers, continues Christel Kuris. We have already carried out four tracts in front of the Pôle Emploi agencies in Montauban as well as at the hospital and this Tuesday morning, during demonstration against the pension reform. The unemployed in the Tarn-et-Garonne are nearly 25,000, which is huge for a department of 266,000 inhabitants. There are more than 200 different professions in a hospital but in Montauban, “none is spared by the shortage of staff: skilled worker, security and safety officer, administrative officer, medical secretary, specialist nurse. ), caregiver, hospital worker, midwife, health executive, etc. “, lists the CGT.

“This hiring office is also made to defend the quality of care”, underlines Alexis Bordes.

The CGT is considering the best way to send the hospital management the CVs it will collect next Tuesday. “In 2019, out of the 150 CVs, there were zero hires. Has the CGT been the victim of an institutional black listing? We have no proof of this, but we want to avoid this pitfall”, assures Christel Kuris .

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